2019-6-7 TPCH Announcements

TPCH Bi-Weekly Announcements
These TPCH Members are Ready to End Homelessness!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the community launch of our strategic planning initiative on May 20.  Stay tuned for more opportunities to help TPCH develop a plan to prevent and end homelessness in Tucson and throughout Pima County!
TPCH Training Survey

TPCH is planning our training calendar.  We need your input. 

Each year, TPCH is required to provide a number of trainings to meet federal requirements. In addition to those required trainings, many TPCH members have asked for more training opportunities over the course of the year.

To help us plan the training calendar for the coming year, please take a few minutes to complete our brief survey and let us know what types of trainings you would like to see and how you would like those trainings delivered (online, in-person, conference, etc.)

Complete the training survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tpch2019training


Mental Health First Aid for Veterans Training – July 12, 2019


Online SOAR Training Available

The CoC NOFA is coming- this is a great time to confirm that your agency has staff members trained in SOAR and ready to help individuals with disabilities who are experiencing homelessness apply for and receive SSI/SSDI benefits for which they may be eligible. 
The SOAR Online Course is a free self-paced 7 class series (appx. 20 hours) which trains case managers to assist individuals who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder to apply for the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) disability programs: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). The techniques taught in this course can improve the quality and completeness of any application for SSI/SSDI. Individuals who complete the course are encouraged to use what they learn to improve SSI/SSDI applications for themselves or others.

Find out more and register https://soarworks.prainc.com/course/ssissdi-outreach-access-and-recovery-soar-online-training

Resource Roundup – Low Barrier Shelter
Emergency shelter and other temporary accommodations are the critical front line of communities’ responses to homelessness, helping all people who seek it meet basic survival needs for shelter, food, clothing, and personal hygiene, while also helping them resolve crises and swiftly secure permanent housing opportunities. These resources can help you make sure your shelters are working effectively to make connections to permanent housing.

See the full list of resources at https://www.usich.gov/news/resource-roundup-providing-access-to-low-barrier-shelter


Chapin Hall Brief Outlines Missed Opportunities to Help Youth

New research-to-impact brief released by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago  focuses focuses on youth pathways through homelessness.

Finding 1. Young people link the beginning of their homelessness to early family instability and disruptions of home including entrance into foster care and family homelessness

Finding 2. Young people name multilevel factors—critical conditions—that shaped how pathways through homelessness unfolded

Finding 3. Youth’s pathwaysthrough homelessness reflect geographic mobility and fluidity insleeping arrangements

Finding 4. Youth pathways through homelessness are alsocharacterized by significantpersonal losses; 35% of youth experienced the death of at least one parent or primary caregiver.

Read the full brief at http://voicesofyouthcount.org/brief/missed-opportunities-youth-pathways-through-homelessness-in-america/