TPCH Indirect Cost Recovery Training for CoC and ESG Projects
April 8, 2021 – 1pm-2:30pm
Click here to register.
Confused about indirect costs and how to charge them, including the use of the recent de minimus option? HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) has released the Indirect Cost Toolkit for CoC and ESG Programs technical assistance product!
During this TPCH webinar, recipients and sub-recipients for Continuum of Care (CoC)—including Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP)—and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) programs can learn about indirect costs under 2 CFR 200 and how to calculate, allocate, and charge them based on HUD’s recently released guidance.
This training is excellent for organizational management, finance, and grants staff at organizations providing services through HUD’s Continuum of Care Program, Emergency Solutions Grant Program, Domestic Violence Bonus Program, and Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project.
Click here to download to the HUD Indirect Cost Toolkit for CoC and ESG Projects.
Click here to register for TPCH’s April 8 Indirect Cost webinar.