TPCH and the City of Tucson are seeking bids from qualified consultancies and agencies interested in administering the 2021 unsheltered Point in Time Count of people experiencing homelessness and conducting data analysis resulting from the 2021 sheltered and unsheltered Point in Time Count.
Eligible Applicants
Government agencies and instrumentalities, legally established for-profit and not-for profit consultancies and organizations, and institutions of higher education are eligible to respond to this solicitation.
Period of Performance
The initial period of performance is November 1, 2020 – April 30, 2021. The contract(s) resulting from this solicitation will be eligible for up to four one-year extensions based on continued need for the contracted services and vendor performance.
Application Deadline
All bids must be emailed to on or before October 14, 2020 at 11:59pm Arizona time.
Download the bid solicitation, submission instructions, and scope of work.